Suni Lee is the first American Hmong to become an Olympic gold medal winner. Raise your glasses and join me in chant. To celebrate her, Mwene Kajunju, a local artist from Liberia, painted a mural for the gold medal triumph. A fun piece of work to visit in St. Paul, Minnesota. The mural features Suni Lee in black and white colors with the exception of the golden medal that she holds and kisses with joy. "I made the country number one. I did it for my family, and to inspire all the little kids in my community." These are the words of Suni Lee honoring the legacy and future of the Hmong community in Minnesota, the second greatest settlement in the United States after California.
Now, now is a Minnesotan indie-rock band originally formed in Blaine, MN by Cacie Dalager (vocals, guitar, keyboard) and Bradley Hale (drums, backing vocals). I feel someone should make a movie of them, not only for the quality of their music and the personality of their members but their beginning in a high school marching band, where these two musicians met. This would be the ultimate Midwestern music blockbuster. I love it.
Stan Lee co-created superhero characters in comics like Daredevil, Spiderman, Blackpanter, Scarlet Witch, Fantastic Four, Black Widow, etc., but I was surprised that he was also involved with real-life heroes too. This is 2012. Stan Lee starring tonight at his own show Academy of Heroes. Surprise, surprise. A Minneapolis vigilante appears to save the day. Razorhawk. In Stan Lee's words: "I'm impressed. From a professional wrestler to being a crime fighter. To me that's impressive."